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Doug Jones talks about playing an alien in Star Trek: Discovery

Posted by on Jul 20, 2017 in action, All, News, sci-fi, thriller, TV | 0 comments

Doug Jones is no stranger to playing alien creatures or monsters. He has brought us numerous amazing performances while covered in...

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That Time I Saw Star Trek Beyond At The Cinema.. In Chinese

Posted by on Sep 5, 2016 in All, Film, Reviews, sci-fi, thriller | 0 comments

“Ni hao. Wo yao yi ge piao na ge. Dui, Star Trek san. Xie xie.” I watched Star Trek: Beyond in Chinese at the cinema by accident and it...

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Review: Star Trek Beyond – “Does what the best Trek always did”

Posted by on Jul 24, 2016 in action, All, Film, Headline, Reviews, sci-fi, thriller | 1 comment

The third in the rebooted Star Trek film franchise – following the excellent “Star Trek” and awful “Star Trek Into Darkness” – Star...

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Cool Cutaway: Star Trek Beyond’s USS Enterprise and some new TV spots

Posted by on Jun 29, 2016 in action, All, Art, Film, News, Posters, sci-fi, thriller | 0 comments

I love these cutaway type diagrams. This one features the USS Enterprise, USS Franklin and a Krall Ship from Star Trek Beyond. Popular...

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Adam Truscott Says Star Trek Into Darkness Is Instantly Iconic

Posted by on May 10, 2013 in All, Film, Reviews | 0 comments

The One Where I Call JJ A Magnificent Bastard Oh, JJ. You magnificent bastard. Star Trek: Into Darkness is a wonderful film. Huge in...

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