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Downton Abbey 3 is heading our way

Posted by on May 13, 2024 in All, drama, Film, News | 0 comments

Universal Pictures, Focus Features and Carnival Films have announced the third film in the Downton Abbey franchise. The third film is...

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Downton Abbey: A New Era – Watch the trailer for the new movie

Posted by on Feb 15, 2022 in All, drama, Film, Trailers | 0 comments

From award-winning creator Julian Fellowes comes the motion picture event DOWNTON ABBEY: A NEW ERA. The much-anticipated cinematic return...

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Illuminating Fear: Andrew Shulkind talks about The Ritual

Posted by on Feb 19, 2018 in All, Film, Headline, horror, indie, Interviews, News | 0 comments

Trevor Hogg talks to cinematographer Andrew Shulkind about battling natural elements in Romania while shooting the horror film The...

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