Toho is working on a Godzilla Cinematic Universe, but no Shin Godzilla sequel
Keiji Ota was recently talking about Toho’s plans for Godzilla. Ota is Toho’s Chief Godzilla Officer over Goji-kon, or the Godzilla Strategy Council which launched in October 2014. That would such a cool council to be on!
The Council has decided that they are going to rebuild a Godzilla cinematic universe and Ota had this to say about the plans.
It is said that each movie can be a possible film production where any one of them could lead a film of their own as the titular character.
After 2021, we’re thinking of a potential strategy that [releases] Godzilla movies uninterrupted at a rate of every 2 years, although there is a preference for a yearly pace as well.
One of the most recent Godzilla films was 2016’s Shin Godzilla, aka Godzilla Resurgence, which was a slight reimagining of the big guy. However, it seems that going forward there are no plans for a sequel.
I am up for more Godzilla from Toho and the more monsters the merrier!
What would you like to see in the Godzilla Cinematic Universe?
Source: Nikkei Style, Godzilla-Movies