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Robert Downey Jr. may star in a Vertigo remake written by Steven Knight

Paramount Pictures has got hold of plans for a remake of their 1958 Alfred Hitchcock-directed psychological thriller Vertigo.

Steven Knight (creator of Peaky Blinders) will write the script and Robert Downey Jr. is looking to star in the role made famous by James Stewart.

After his fear of heights indirectly causes the death of a colleague, San Francisco cop Scottie (James Stewart) retires. He is subsequently hired by magnate Gavin Elster (Tom Helmore) to follow his wife, Madeleine (Kim Novak), as Elster says he fears for her life. Scottie becomes bewitched by Madeleine, falling in love with her after saving her from a suicide attempt. However, when Scottie’s vertigo prevents him saving Madeleine from a second attempt to kill herself, he becomes obsessed with recreating the dead woman’s image.

I am sure this will bring the usual cry of “no more remakes” or “Hollywood has no original ideas” and so on. However, I can see a new contemporary version of the tale working well. The original film was based on the 1954 novel D’entre les morts (From Among the Dead) by Boileau-Narcejac so they could go back to the source material. If you get a good actor opposite Downey Jr then you could have something great. Plus, the original will still be there.

Who would you like to see play the Madeleine role in the new version of the film?

Davis Entertainment’s John Davis and John Fox are producing with Team Downey’s Robert and Susan Downey.

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Source: Deadline

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