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What’s Behind the Staggering Popularity of Rick and Morty?

Love it or hate it, there’s no way to describe Rick and Morty other than a staggering success. It is the most successful show in Adult Swim’s history and has turned into a $100 million empire.

It was a smash hit upon release back in 2013, and today is still going strong. You have a sense that Rick and Morty will, much like The Simpsons, go on for as long as they want. Let’s take a closer look at what has made it such a staggering success.

It’s a Risk-Taking Show

Most TV shows play it safe in the first few seasons before eventually finding their feet a few years in. But that’s not the approach that the writers behind Rick and Morty took. They went all in from the very first episode, and basically haven’t let up since. In an age when most shows play things overly safe, Rick and Morty took so many leftfield, creative risks was a breath of fresh air that viewers responded to.

There’s A Universe of Content

At current count, there are seventy-one episodes of Rick and Morty. But the actual episodes only begin to tell part of the story. The show is much more than its episodes; it’s a whole franchise, which ensures that fans have more than enough Rick and Morty content to sink their teeth into. The show has inspired spin-off television shows, board and card games, and comic books. There’s also been a host of digital games based on the show released. From the ‘Rick and Morty Strike Back’ slot game found on an online casino to the Pocket Mortys smartphone game, the show has proven to be a big source of inspiration for video game developers. There’s also an extensive range of merchandise available, too.

Dedicated Fanbase

Rick and Morty attracts millions of viewers. But what’s different about these viewers — as opposed to those of other shows — is the dedication that they show to the series. It’s the dedication of the fans that has arguably contributed the most to the show’s success. They don’t just watch Rick and Morty: they develop theories, seek out easter eggs, and engage in fervent online chats about every aspect of the show.

The passionate community of fans takes enjoying the show to a whole new level. Rather than just watching an episode and going to bed, fans can virtually meet with like-minded individuals to discuss what they loved most about the episode.

It’s a Comedy With Depth

Rick and Morty is a comedy, for sure, but it’s a comedy that’s unlike any other. For one thing, it doesn’t rely solely on laughs for enjoyment. There are plenty of philosophical and darker elements for fans to enjoy. Indeed, some parts of the show are so tinged with sadness that, if you just tuned in, the only giveaway that it was a comedy would be the animation.

It’s Unique — And Came At The Right Time

You can see where the minds behind Rick and Morty got their inspiration. They’ve certainly watched Bob’s Burgers, Futurama, and South Park. Still, there’s no denying that Rick and Morty is very much its show. Its staggering success will be in part because of how one-of-a-kind it is and also the timing. The period around its release also saw the arrival of seminal shows such as Archer and Bojack Horseman, which suggests that society was very much ready for animations that tackled adult issues.

The Future of Rick and Morty

So what, then of the future of Rick and Morty? Now that’s cemented itself as a pop culture phenomenon, it seems unlikely that it’ll disappear anytime soon. The eighth season of the show has been delayed due to the writer’s strike, but it’s expected to hit the airwaves sometime in 2025. There are also rumours that the ninth and tenth seasons have already been conceptually laid out, so it sounds like there’s plenty of Rick and Morty still to come.

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